
Joint Size



Glass Adapters

Glass Adapters aren’t just any other accessory but the carriers of customization! Having the right adapter can make your Bong experience unique & exclusive to you like it’s custom made for your hits! Take your bong beyond the ordinary and create a truly personalized smoking experience with glass bong adapters.

Benefits of Glass Bong adapters:

  • Customization: Whether you're a seasoned smoker looking to elevate your existing setup or a curious newcomer eager to explore, glass adapters offer an exciting way to customize your bong to fit your preferences. With a glass adapter, you can change the existing size or gender of your bong joint to allow a different size bong bowl or dab nail to fit. This is not only functional but allows you to customize your bongs and dab rigs to use tons of different pieces.

  • Enhanced Functionality: Fine-tune your bong's functionality with a variety of adapter designs, including angle adapters for better comfort and ash catchers for smoother hits.

  • It’s About You: With many designs and styles to choose from, glass bong adapters allow you to add a touch of personality to your bong, making it a true reflection of your unique style.

We offer every size and gender glass adapter and converter you could possibly need. This ensures that no matter what combination of size or gender you have, you can make it work. All of our glass adapters are made from high quality glass with sanded joints to ensure smooth transitions and easy connections.

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